Shrimps, crabs, seasoning and turkey meat, hot...
Shrimps, crabs, seasoning and turkey meat, hot sausage, turkey sausage .
Ground lean beef meat with my savory sweet bbq...
Ground lean beef meat with my savory sweet bbq sauce .
Cooked jasmine rice.
Homemade jasmine rice with seasoning with chicken...
Homemade jasmine rice with seasoning with chicken liver.
Chicken breast diced with heavy whipping cream...
Chicken breast diced with heavy whipping cream and cheese with spaghetti and seasoning.
Camilla red beans with seasoning and your choice...
Camilla red beans with seasoning and your choice of meat.
Shrimp with heavy whipping cream sauce mozzarella...
Shrimp with heavy whipping cream sauce mozzarella cheese with spaghetti.
Heavy whipping cream and cheddar and mozzarella...
Heavy whipping cream and cheddar and mozzarella cheese with your choice of pasta.
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