Glass noodles, cabbage, carrots, and white pepper...
Glass noodles, cabbage, carrots, and white pepper stuffed in a roll and deep fried. Served with plum sauce. Make sure to purchase utensils if...
Fried homemade veggie dumplings with roasted...
Fried homemade veggie dumplings with roasted garlic, spinach, carrots, cabbage, corn, water chestnut, vermicelli, and mushroom. Served with soy...
Crispy wontons fried to golden perfection and...
Crispy wontons fried to golden perfection and filled with a classic cream cheese, imitation crab, celery, and carrot. Served with sweet chili sauce....
Steamed dumplings with baby shrimp. Served with...
Steamed dumplings with baby shrimp. Served with soy vinaigrette. Make sure to purchase utensils if required (from Miscellaneous category).
Your choice of protein with stir-fried rice...
Your choice of protein with stir-fried rice noodle, egg, bean sprouts, radish, scallion, peanut, and pad Thai sauce. Make sure to purchase utensils...
Your choice of protein with stir-fried fresh udon...
Your choice of protein with stir-fried fresh udon noodle, onion, bell pepper string bean, basil, and chili basil sauce. Make sure to purchase...
Your choice of protein with stir-fried rice with...
Your choice of protein with stir-fried rice with egg, garlic, Chinese broccoli, onion, mixed corn, snow pea, and carrot. Make sure to purchase...
Your choice of protein with sautéed garlic,...
Your choice of protein with sautéed garlic, onion, carrot, cabbage, string bean, broccoli. sesame seed, and teriyaki sesame sauce. Served with white...
Sautéed garlic with onion, carrot, cabbage,...
Sautéed garlic with onion, carrot, cabbage, string bean, broccoli, teriyaki sesame sauce, and your choice of protein. Please add rice if you want....
Sautéed garlic with onions, carrots, cabbage,...
Sautéed garlic with onions, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, and light garlic sauce. Please add rice if you want. Make sure to purchase utensils if...
Sautéed garlic with cabbage, chili, onions, bell...
Sautéed garlic with cabbage, chili, onions, bell peppers, string beans, basil, chili-basil sauce, and your choice of protein. Please add rice if...
Sautéed ginger with bell peppers, onions,...
Sautéed ginger with bell peppers, onions, celery, carrots, mushrooms, scallions, ginger sauce, and your choice of protein. Please add rice if you...
Creamy coconut milk with Asian herbs, potatoes,...
Creamy coconut milk with Asian herbs, potatoes, onions, peanuts, and your choice of protein. Please add rice if you want. Make sure to purchase...
Coconut curry with herbs, basil, bamboo roots,...
Coconut curry with herbs, basil, bamboo roots, bell peppers, string beans, and your choice of protein. Please add rice if you want. Make sure to...
Spicy coconut curry with basil, bamboo roots,...
Spicy coconut curry with basil, bamboo roots, pineapple, bell peppers, and your choice of protein. Please add rice if you want. Make sure to purchase...
Your choice of protein stir-fried with thin rice...
Your choice of protein stir-fried with thin rice noodle, egg, bean sprouts, radish, scallion with pad Thai sauce. Make sure to purchase utensils if...
Your choice of protein sautéed with sautéed...
Your choice of protein sautéed with sautéed garlic, onion, carrot, cabbage, string bean, broccoli, and gluten-free teriyaki sesame sauce. Please...
Your choice of protein, sautéed garlic, onion,...
Your choice of protein, sautéed garlic, onion, carrot, cabbage, string bean, broccoli, and Gluten Free light garlic sauce. Please add rice if you...
Your choice of protein stir-fried with udon...
Your choice of protein stir-fried with udon noodles, onion, bell pepper, string bean and basil with gluten-free chili-basil sauce. Medium spicy. ...
Stir-fried rice noodles with eggs, bean sprouts,...
Stir-fried rice noodles with eggs, bean sprouts, radishes, Pad Thai sauce, and your choice of protein. Make sure to purchase utensils if required...
Stir-fried rice with eggs, garlic, Chinese...
Stir-fried rice with eggs, garlic, Chinese broccoli, onions, corn, snow peas, carrots, and your choice of protein. Make sure to purchase utensils if...
Stir fried udon noodles with onions, bell...
Stir fried udon noodles with onions, bell peppers, string beans, basil, spicy chili sauce, and your choice of protein. Make sure to purchase utensils...
Make sure to purchase utensils if required (from...
Make sure to purchase utensils if required (from Miscellaneous category).
Original papaya salad with green papaya, string...
Original papaya salad with green papaya, string bean, tomato, and lettuce. Served with peanut & garlic chili lime dressing on side. Make sure to...
Lettuce with cucumber, tomato, fried onion, and...
Lettuce with cucumber, tomato, fried onion, and fried tofu. Served with homemade peanut dressing on side. Make sure to purchase utensils if required...
Broccoli, cabbage, string beans, and carrots. ...
Broccoli, cabbage, string beans, and carrots. Make sure to purchase utensils if required (from Miscellaneous category).
Sautéed American broccoli with garlic oil sauce....
Sautéed American broccoli with garlic oil sauce. Make sure to purchase utensils if required (from Miscellaneous category).
Sweet banana and grated coconut wrapped with rice...
Sweet banana and grated coconut wrapped with rice paper, deep fried until golden brown. Served with icing sugar powder on side. Make sure to purchase...
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Any issues with this menu ? Please let us know !
Stella J
First time trying it very good vegan rice with tofu was very tasty and veggie rolls were good too